Mobile Lab
Format: Groups of 4 to 6 students (depending on the number of phones available). One team member must have an internet capable camera cell phone
Goal: To get a taste of mobile social networking using Flickr
Contents: Each team searches for photos to satisfy the "clues" for the scavenger hunt
Get Ready
- Form your teams!
- One team member creates a Flickr Account (
- Set up “Upload by Email” in Flickr ( In the field that says “Add these tags each time” enter "335SPR10"
- Join the KSB Photo Safari Group (
Get Set
- Enter the email address from #3 above as a contact in your team "game phone"
- Take a photo of your team and email it to the contact you just set up
- Update your "buddy icon" on flickr with your group photo (
- Click on your group photo and make the title "item0". Then select the icon/button (above the photo) that says "Send to Group". Send the photo to the 335SPR10 group.
Be back by 11:15am
It's Not Over Yet
- Login to flickr and click "Organize" (All Your Content)
- Make sure all your photos have the correct titles (item1 through item10)
- Add descriptions to your photos if you think it's helpful
- Select all your photos and click "Send to Group". Choose the Group 335SPR10.
- Geocode (add Locations) to a few of your photos to see what GPS would have done for you.
The Finale
- See everyone’s photos at the Group page
- In the search box, type "item1" to see all photos for item1 of the photo safari (and so on)
- As a class, we'll pick the winner for each item. The group to get the most winners, wins.
Discussion Questions
- How does this activity apply to business?
- Cell phones and other devices make interacting online instant and easy. Does this change the way you think about customer service? Marketing? Collaboration?
- Photos and video enrich the online experience. Does the combination of instant, easy, and visual provide new opportunities for business?