Activity One: Fan Page Insights
Create a fan page:!/pages/create.php
Select "Brand, Product, or Organization"
Choose "Professional Service"
Name your page: ITEC335YourLastName
Allow your page to be published immediately
Use Twitter to promote your page to the other students in the class
Become a fan of all the other students in the class
Make your page robust — fill in the information, add a few photos, write on your wall.
Once you have fans, click "view insights" to see what you can discover. As a class, we'll discuss the data available to administrators of Facebook Fan pages.
Activity Two: Advertise on Facebook
Click on "Promote with an Ad"
Create a targeted ad. As you choose different options, the number of people targeted is provided. Come up with a combination that targets roughly 5000 people.
Set a daily budget of $1.00
Click on Advanced Pricing Options
Look at the CPC and CPM. What is the difference between the two methods? Be ready to discuss this as a class.
Put your CPC at .01 (1 penny)
Create the ad by putting in your credit card details (we will remove your advertising account later; you will not be charged.)
Dig into your ad stats:
As a class, we'll discuss the meaning of each of the columns (click, impressions, etc.) in your stats. Be prepared to discuss how you might use a tool like this to determine your advertising strategy.
Activity Three: Remove Your Ad Account
You can permanently close your ad account here:
Click to "Permanently Close Account" (this closes your Ad account and removes the credit card — it does not close your FB account.)
Or you can pause your ad via the ad stats page. Click next to status and select "pause".